Check your model E-number. I think it should be WFD2460GB/01, in which case the drawing in the link is correct. If the E-number isn't WFD2460GB/01 then just type yours instead. It is a 'doable' project but involves a lot of work & parts are not cheap. But Bosch now supply complete kits for some of these models, by which you can buy the whole wash-unit which comes fully assembled c/w 2 new shockers. They normally retail at around £200 or so but it saves a god awful job & bruised knuckles.
Bosch Wfd 2072 Manual Arts 1
If you want to spend that kind of money give Bosch a call & ask if a complete wash-unit kit is available for your particular model. Thanks for the reply. The explosion is useful. I can get the bearing for £30 but if I'm going to do the back bearing, I should really do the front one as well - which makes things a lot more involved.Given that it's a 10 year old machine and will cost approx £60 + a whole load of labour to repair, I'm thinking of just buying another one.
We've got a baby due in 9 weeks and we already do approx 7 - 8 loads a week, so even if it's out of action for a few days, it would be a major hassle.Thanks again.
Bosch Wfd 2072 Manual Arts Class
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